Organizers for the 2024 Dubois County Museum Trivia Night invite you to solve the “Mysteries
of the Museum” on Saturday, April 27, 2024, at the museum.
Doors open at 6:30pm. Play begins at7pm.
Snacks and a cash bar will be available.
You are invited to gather an eight-person team and compete for the title of Best Trivia team.
Cost of the team of 8 is $200.
Sponsorship levels are available.
All 8 members of the winning team will receive a paid, one year museum membership to the Dubois County Museum, PLUS
the team will receive $200.
Please register online at or at the museum.
The mystery themed categories of murders, secrets, supernatural, etc. will be explored.
A mystery item or two from the museum archives/ private collection will be questioned.
Teams are invited to come dressed as spies, detectives, famous criminals, etc.
Come ready to have fun and support the museum at the same time.
The Dubois County Museum is located at 2704 N. Newton Street (US 231 N) in Jasper, IN47546.
Call 812-634-7733.