The Dubois County Museum’s John J. Fierst Library and Archives has a library of 5,000 books, pamphlets, magazines, selected newspapers, and newspaper clippings.
The archives consist of 6,700 unpublished materials such as documents, manuscripts, videotapes, personal papers, maps, and music collections.
Since the John J. Fierst Library and Archives is located in the Collections Storage Area of the Dubois County Museum, visitors will need to make an appointment to use the library and archives. Appointments are scheduled on Tuesdays between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. EST. Please make arrangements with the Collections Chairperson, whose contact information is listed in the paragraph below. Constraints due to time and space make appointments necessary.
People wanting to donate items to the museum are urged to contact the museum’s Collection Committee before bringing in the items. For information, please call the Collections Chairperson at 812-634-7733 or email [email protected] .