A new addition has been made to the Fall Harvest Day program for Sunday, October 15, at the Dubois County Museum.  Jason McCoy and his family will be demonstrating hewing a log using the early pioneer process of taking a log from its natural rounded shape to a more or less flat surface using a chopping or scoring axe and then a broad axe. This was a bygone method, and used before the coming of sawmills, or if a homesteader was on a low budget and would hew their own lumber after falling it.  Hewing was the standard way of squaring up wooden beams for timber framing. The museum will be open from 1-4pm this day for the public to observe all the activities planned for Harvest Day. The lineup of activities for the day include shucking, shelling and grinding corn. Take some corn home for the birds. Examine the old tools for potato and corn planting. Learn how the harvesting machinery worked from members of the Antique Farm Machinery Club. Kids can take a pony ride. Get in line for a taste of what the Dutch oven crew is cooking up. (Could it be some of those delicious hot beans, potatoes and biscuits, and maybe stew, from Jim Peter.)  Taste the difference between honey, molasses, and sorghum. Taste the famous drink of fall—apple cider. Try the homemade butter.  See what is going on in the model train room as the Model Train Club prepares for the October 21 Model Train Show and Swap Meet. Check out the small animals. Come see what the ladies are working on with their needles. The Stone Carvers will be busy carving on their stones.  Come enjoy the day at the Dubois County Museum.